Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Live. Love. Fail. Laugh.

Hello random person finding my page. How are you doing? Did you day go well? Mine is slowly dragging on. I'm working...which means I'm sneaking around to do this entry while I have a moment to! Shh. Don't tell! I'm Esa. I make stuff. What kind of stuff? All kinds of stuff. Messes. Dirt. A baby. Knitting things. Crochet things. Music. Clutter. Grub. Ummm. Yeah. I'm a Domestic Goddess!!! Er, well... at least I'd like to think that if Martha Stewart ever met me, she would cower in fear at my total awesomeness. The truth is, I'm a housewife and mother, I have a fulltime job outside the home. I'm happily married (yes, even when I'm not happy with him, I'm happy to have him!). We live in normal little town of the booming metropolis of Anywhere, USA. Okay... that's not really the name of the town, but I don't want stalkers. Stalkers = Bad. So. You get to know that I live in the USA. Thazzit. So quit your whining. :) I've roamed this earth for atleast 3 decades...maybe more... you never know with me. And I have a secret love. Pinterest. My total addiction. So, I've had personal blogs before. For my yarn work. For my infertility problems/support group. This time I thought that maybe, just maybe, I would do a blog about the good, the bad, the really ugly, and the hells actually worked!!! of Pinterest. I will share things as I can. As often as I can. And if there are any requests, I will let you know if I can do them. So.. that's what this will be. Hopefully you enjoy!

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